I am very serious about words and language. 1. As a second language learner and speaker of English as a Second Language (ESL) I don’t want to make a non-native language speaker mistake. And yes there is second-grade teacher inflicted ridicule and trauma associated with that, let’s call it, fear. There is also a degree of disdain that I hold for unilingual speakers of the majority language of a place who might tend toward saying the same thing only more loudly to someone who they think do not understand them, or who ask/say WHAT! also more loudly and with less and less patient and understanding. And now for some comic relief.
Back to words and language. I started writing about how I am now treating my sink as if it were lava. I think there is a thing about the floor being lava in the video-sphere, and I cottoned on to the sink is lava and liked it. So I typed the title “The Sink is Lava” because I remember a rule that small words in title do not take a capital, but no capital for “is” (?) I wasn’t sure. So, I checked. I typed something like “how to capitalize or format titles” and this is what came back:
Capitalize My Title
https://capitalizemytitle.com/ it’s amazing. Phenomenal. You type in your title and the capitals appear where they need to be. There is also a list of rules for what gets a capital and what does not and verbs do, so my little (now) very big word “is” is a verb, so, on to the next post: My Sink Is Lava. Better than generic, “The Sink Is Lava,” no?
The Sink Is Lava is stronger. I think. Less sentimental.